
Last week my dad's friends from Dallas came over to visit for a few days. We got kicked out of the house because there were six of them and there just weren't enough room in the house. I packed Kaylie and Karen and took them first to the Cheesecake Factory, and then to the mall, because that is apparently our new hang out spot. We then drove down to my brother's house and stayed two nights there. He was very happy to house us because he was getting lonely with his wife and twin boys out of town. Kaylie was more than happy to go to his house, not to see my brother, but to play his ipad. We had packed and planned to stay for four days but the guests left early and we were back home within two days.

Really excited to get some cheesecake!
Hangin out with her friends (she's pretending to hold their hands)
Her new favorite hang out 
Kaylie falling asleep with the ipad...


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