Kaylie has gotten to the age when she can pick out her own clothes and accessories. She decided to pair this outfit with her mini Vans snapback:
Throwin up gang signs
I turned around and she had turned her hat like this
We were headed back to the mall to find my dad a father's day gift. After searching all of the DSW store, we all settled on a pair of nice brown dress shoes. We then headed to Forever 21, where I bought this cute floral headband for $5 (which is pretty expensive for F21...). Kaylie also tried on hats by herself...
Before we went back home, Kaylie made us stop by the many fountains they have at the Brandon Mall and throw pennies into them.
I told her to hold the penny in her hand and then make a wish
Throwing her 5th coin into the fountain
Her face when the coin drops in
After wasting nearly two dollars worth of pennies, dimes and nickels, we headed back home. Another successful trip to the mall (for Kaylie at least)!
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