The Three Best Friends That Anyone Could Have

When I was growing up, I didn't have cousins to play with. Being the youngest of six kids and having an age difference of nearly 20 years between me and my oldest sibling meant that my cousins were all older than me. By the time I was in first grade, my cousins were getting married, graduating high school, graduating college, and/or moving away. Seeing and hearing about my friends hang out with their cousins and having fun with them has always made me very jealous.

I was afraid Kaylie would be in same predicament as me: Her oldest two sisters, Katrina and Karen, are both in high school and dealing with high school problems, and her other sister, Kelly, is finishing up fifth grade. For now, Kelly is the one that plays with Kaylie the most- hide and seek, peek a boo, playing blocks, etc. But I know that soon enough, Kelly will be moving on to big girl things, as middle school usually does that to you. 

Luckily, my family was blessed with two little angels last year, Hayden and Henry, and now Kaylie has friends to play with. You should see them interact with each other- as soon as Kaylie enters the room, the two boys' faces light up. She calms them down when they are crying and helps take care of them when they're awake. They truly are the three best friends that anyone could have. I can't wait to see them grow up and make many more memories together! 

The boys just woke up here but you can't tell from their smiles (L-R: Henry, Kaylie, Hayden).

Henry posing, as usual. Look at those teeth! 

Henry is always pulling hair, whether its Kaylie's or Hayden's.  
Kaylie moved because of Henry's hair pulling... 
Look at those smiles! 
Ahhh the cuteness!

Always looking up to Kaylie.

Kaylie wanting to steal the block...


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